Is Acupuncture Safe During Pregnancy?
Yes. Always make sure you visit a qualified acupuncturist, who is trained in acupuncture for pregnant women. Acupuncture can help reduce swelling, balance hormones to alleviate mood swings, lessen back pain, fatigue, nausea. Acupuncture stimulates pressure points that control the release of good body chemicals that regulate blood pressure, blood flow and pain relief.
I'm Scared of Needles, What Else Can I Do?
Cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, massage and herbal formulas are all wonderful additions to an acupuncture treatment but can also be used separately for those who would rather not receive acupuncture.
Feeling brave? Acupuncture needles are about the size of a single strand of hair. Click here for more information on how acupuncture feels.
Yes. Always make sure you visit a qualified acupuncturist, who is trained in acupuncture for pregnant women. Acupuncture can help reduce swelling, balance hormones to alleviate mood swings, lessen back pain, fatigue, nausea. Acupuncture stimulates pressure points that control the release of good body chemicals that regulate blood pressure, blood flow and pain relief.